Jesus and what he did is not only some thing that happened in history on some moment and some thing that ends in history, actually we have seen many great persons that have great story, and that their story has for told to us, there was many influential people’s who died and whom their deeds are recorded in history and told for generations, but the life of Jesus what he did is more than an influence and some thing that happened in some specific time, because Jesus was there in the past he was from the begining, and he is working now, He will also be the same forever, This is the divine nature, Jesus is alpha and omega, The begining and the end. I want every one of you to know that jesus is more beyond than a historical figure, many has come to this world do many great things among men and died buried and come to an end of their influence and reign but Jesus who came to this earth as fully man and fully God,who is the eternal and who was from begining he died for us not only he died he ressurected on the Third day and ascended to heaven to heaven with glory, no one is not like him Jesus is the same. he is alive and working transforming many life’s. He is door of eternal life that’s why we say Jesus saves, he came for salivation of all man kind,all humanity.

Jesus was working, healing, transforming life’s and Jesus is at work right now he is working, healing, transforming life’s at this moment and he will also be the same in the forever.
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
— Acts 4:12
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”
— Heb 13:8

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