My Testimony how God changes my life

This is my testimony

To talk about how I come to know the truth and experience jesus, in my recent years I was passing difficult years in deppression, in losting hope of life, no peace. on this things I understand I need some one to get out me from this, I start searching for meaning of life source of true joy,peace I know the name of jesus but I wasnot touched by his love but in this times jesus came real to me, let me tell you one day I cry hardly only understanding his love I was consumed with his love, I donot know what I must do for him but still there is a desire in me that I want every one regardless of any one to share jesus for any one this is what I do, as a patient who was in sin, with out peace and who found all medicine, all answer in jesus , I tell that jesus is saviour of soul , who ever come to him will satify and get freedom, peace and joy. I invite you to day any one reading finding truth, finding hope, finding some thing real, to come to Jesus, I know and I believe the God who changes my life will change yours also, Jesus loves you matter in which situation you are now.

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